Getting Started
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Light at the end of the Road
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Monday, December 05, 2011
Coming a long way!
I just can’t believe it’s been exactly a year since I posted’s not that I don’t have much to say...God knows I have a lot but for the most part finding decent words is becoming more of a problem these days...
On the 5th of December 2010 I posted about a pleasant 2 n half hours spent with my brothers. A night with plenty of laughter that took place on the 4th of December 2010.
And here I am on the 5th of December 2011 posting about almost 4 hours of anticipation, some tears, plenty of screams n shout outs, plenty of damning a damned soul, plenty of wishing peace on a blessed soul, plenty of bullets, sneaking in, some anticipation again, sneaking out n few hours afterwards spent in shock... all which took place on the 4th of December 2011 with hundreds, possibly thousands of brothers n sisters I’ve never even met before...
December 4, 2011 will go down in history as the day I almost got shot....
Sunday, December 05, 2010
“Just Like Us” Comedy Show
My younger brother M turned 25 the day before n it was my gift to him n to myself as well though am not turning into anything anytime soon but hell these ppl were so freakin funny I laughed my heart out for 2 n a half hours non-stop that I ended up with a headache.
The movie on which the show is based on:
Sunday, October 24, 2010
It was scheduled @ 6 PM we (my bro & I) arrived around 5:30 but it actually happened around 7:30 but NO COMPLAINTS HERE!! we really didn’t mind it, at least I didn’t!!! :P
I was tied up at the ankles by a fluffy soft leopard shackles by a gay version of superman! well he was wearing a superman tshirt n I don’t think he was gay but he’s not quit the superman either! :D
when I got on that crane n started ascending I cursed the hell out of myself for doing it...I was freaking out in ways I never thought possible n when the moment has come I really couldn’t let go!
when I got in the air my heart stopped beating n I couldn’t breath till the rope hit its end the first time...only then I was able to get some kinda of sense of what’s going on n from that moment on I started screaming n wowing n I could hear ppl applauding :P I was so hyper afterwards but the adrenaline rush wasn’t quite as I expected, half even less as tense as I though it w’d be but a couple of hours latter when it wore off it was unmistakable! I felt so tired I couldn’t even left a finger n I had the best sleep I had in a long time.........
It was AMAZING n am definitely doing it again! maybe next time I’ll actually jump instead of asking the tech guys to push me! :P
yet again less things to do on my “Things to do before I turn 30” list...I think am almost done, if only I can remember where I did put the damn thing! :P
Monday, April 05, 2010
il fait bon être vu et est bon de se sentir désiré je sais que c'est seulement vous qui peut me voir et m' quand je suis dans la merde je sais que c'est seulement vous sur qui je peux compter...
Vous avez été très bon avec moi et je suis reconnaissant pour toutes les béné le dois à moi-même et à vous que je me réveiller et essayer de profiter au maximum de chaque jour...mais aujourd'hui tout que je veux est que vous me veux ! ma cœur, mon corps et m’âme…vient et réclamer ce que déjà appartient à vous!
Toujours avec un sourire, grâce à vous mon Dieu!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
“The Face”
the thing about it is that it got me introduced to Anarchism which otherwise might not have heard of...Corky, the bad guy -who I grew fond of at the beginning- was aiming at the destruction of society as an agent of chaos, by the end of the novel he gets killed only after we find out that he is nothing but a psycho with OCD “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder”
Here r some quotes I really liked:
during the Great Depression...“When steel sagged, when clothes grew moth-eaten on haberdashery racks, when cars rusted on showrooms floors for want of customers, the film industry nevertheless flourished. in bad times as in good, the only two absolute necessities were food and illusions.”
“Dunny wanders room to room, moved by humanity’s desire to make beautiful its habitat and thereby bravely to deny that the roughness of the world must be endured. Every palace and every work of art is only dust as yet unrealized, and time is the patient wind that will wither it away. Nevertheless, men and women have given great thought, effort, and care to making these rooms appealing, because they hope, against all evidence, that their lives have meaning and that in their talents lies a purpose larger than themselves.”
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
me: running...what’s that noise?!’s probably nothing!...
“beating anxiously”: I know I said u don’t have to worry about me...but it w’d be nice if u looked my way every once in a while!...just see how am doing!...
me: still running...still cant hear a thing!...
“beating violently”: hey bitch!...i can’t take this anymore...u cant keep doing this to it or not am here...i know u can hear me!!...
me: why a heart attack sounds like a good idea right now?!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
On friendships...
maybe because of our constant moving in the past I picked up a terrible habit...whenever I meet new ppl. or start new friendships...consciously or not I w’d setup an expiry date for everyone! that when it’s time to say goodbye I’d be more than prepared n’ more like “ HA3!! I KNEW IT!!”....n’ surprisingly I hardly ever missed an expiry date....
Lately life’s proving me wrong in too many ways...after missing every expiry date I put for my heavenly friends...after being through a lot together for sooo many amazing years I actually felt it!!...i truly felt like each one is like a brother to me n’ girls r the sisters I never had!! I still can’t believe this actually happened to me...I honestly never thought I had it in me to have those feelings for strangers!!
are these ppl. friends for life?....yes!.....will we be together forever?....No!... it’s a curse!! It’s a fucking curse!! It hurts real bad to see them leave one after the other when they r no way near their expiry dates n’ there’s really nothing I can do about it!! The only thing I can do maybe...wish them good luck!!...till we meet again!! friends!!....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Gemini vs. Psycho
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I hear blood, I see blood
I always knew that u can find ur way almost through anything in this beloved country if u just knew the right “someone”...but honestly this is the last place I expected...vitamin “W “ as in “Works every time”
Friday, October 17, 2008
Comme Ça
C’est un passage de “Arsène Guillot “, bizarrement j'ai compris ce que ça veut dire et je pense c’est très vrai !!
“Pourquoi, madame, aime-t-on toujours les mauvais sujets ? Depuis l’infant prodigue jusqu'à votre chien Diamant, qui mord tout le monde et qui est la plus méchante bête que je connaisse, on inspire d’autant plus d’intérêt qu’on en mérite moins. – Vanité ! Pure vanité, madame, que ce sentimental-là! Plaisir de la difficulté vaincue ! Le père de l’enfant prodigue a vaincu le diable et lui a retiré sa proie ; vous avez triomphé du mauvais naturel de Diamant à force de gimblettes.”
N'hésitez pas à me corriger si je me trompe :)
P.S. Translation available in the comments section
Friday, September 26, 2008
- M: C r u Shameiyh*?!
- C: No am not!
- M: Good cuz I hate Shwaam* I can’t stand them at all!
- C: well my grandma is Shamieyh*...
- M:!!
- C (in prompt justification): but she’s NNNNNNN* I hate them too u know!
- M (smiling): once a Shami* proposed to me and I refused though the poor thing and his mom did everything they can...but my dad told them NNNNN** (with a sneaky smile all over her face)...
Now myself being a damascene am not gonna say how I felt about it...and I have no idea where the hell those two girls r from...but am wondering if I was in Homs* around at least a dozen of ppl. wont I assume that at least one of those ppl. is Homsi*?! I wonder how he w’d feel if I said in front of him that I hate Homsi* ppl.?! and most important I wonder what w’d he do about it?!!!
I must say here that I don’t have anything against homsi ppl. on the contrary I think they r very nice ppl.
*Shwam: damascene ppl. =the native inhabitants of Damascus city the capital of Syria
*Shameiyh: female damascene - *Shami: male damascene
*NNNNN: the sound coming from the vacuum cleaner guy approaching behind my back
*Homs: a Syrian city- *Homsi: a male from Homs
Thursday, September 04, 2008
For real?!
This is a quote I came across recently reading “Primal Fear”...the book itself is great if only I haven’t realized half way through that I’ve already seen the movie :S
Being a Gemini “the ultimate two-faced “ this always been somewhat an agonizing point that keeps on nagging my conscience every once in a while !! where doest it all stop?! How n’ where to draw the line between the real authentic self and the courteous just “getting by” everyday self ?!! I mean I know I can do both but when it stops being practical n’ starts being hypocritical?!...Recently it’s becoming more like an obsession trying to figure it out hoping not to fall for hypocrisy n' the book sure didn't make it any easier!!
eventually I came to believe that I shouldn’t be so hard on myself...hypocrisy always been a hotspot for me but I guess there’s nothing wrong with being practical as long as I keep it to its minimal limit n’ to keep things balanced spending more time with ppl. i can be my true self with can be quite helpful...
So now after the first week at the new job I guess it’s time for some emergency meet ups with my friends to counter act all the practicality I practiced during this week :D
Sunday, August 17, 2008
New Chapter:
Before u start judging this pic. let me tell u that It is my “Farewell cake” of the guys drew it n’ he thought it w’d be funny ...this is the “terrorist” version of me cuz let me be clear here this is not how I dress n’ this is not how wear my scarf n’ this is definitely not my nose :D...the Canadian flag in my pocket is a hint to the new job n’ the point of covering my face is that u can still tell it’s me by looking at my shoes n’ yes this is me blowing up the building after I’ve left :D
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Am Happy :D
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
It hurts so good :D
It was planed this Thursday me n’ my sweet friend were supposed to go through this together but she chickened out on me...lucky me!! the end of the day I was so hyper n’ tense my only thought was “SCREW IT”...really how hard can it be?!!...I read the “How To” painful can it be?!...just “SCREW IT!!”...anyhow I could really use a pain distraction!! I made sure everything was clean n’ sterilized n’ it was only a matter of 2 minutes n’ VOWALA!!!...I pierced my own nose!!! n’ they doesn’t hurt at ALL!!! far am loving it...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Evolution or IS IT?!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
My SAW III Experience
Monday, July 07, 2008
Addicted to Numbness
Am not a control freak but the person I really enjoy controlling the most is me...being able to block all unwanted feelings n’ pointless thoughts just to be able to function well as human being cuz I just know that dealing with those w’d require too much time n’ energy all which I can’t afford these days...just giving in n’ letting my mind go numb in away a bomb w’d fall near me n’ it wont even bother me much...ppl. w’d be fighting n’ killing each other in front of me n’ I won’t even care to say a word...ppl. sometimes wonder what kind of drugs am on...but I swear to God am not using any...not that I haven’t thought of it before but no I don’t need it when I can do this...though am not so sure about the side effects cuz am really starting to think it’s addictive...something I’ve been doing for no good reason lately...not knowing if it’s a good or a bad thing am still a very happy person but a thoughtless n’ emotionless one!!!...
- Pulling the plug on what I used to call my brain
- In a way I won't have to give in to my pain
- Surrender to being comfortably thoughtless
- Don’t care for sparks, I love my darkness!
- Go on n' take the lead, I don’t have to follow
- Am here today n' I'll be here tomorrow...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Something to think about
"The hardest test I ever faced in my life was praying. You understand. My comprehending, my believing the teachings of Mr. Muhammad had only required my mind's saying to me, "That's right!" or "I never thought of that."
But bending my knees to pray-that act-well, that took me a week.
You know what my life had been. Picking a lock to rob someone's house was the only way my knees had ever been bent before.
I had to force myself to bend my knees. And waves of shame and embarrassment would force me back up.
For evil to bend its knees, admitting its guilt, to implore the forgiveness of God, is the hardest thing in the world. It's easy for me to see and say that now. But then, when I was the personification of evil, I was going through it. Again, again, I would force myself back down into the praying-to-Allah posture. When finally I was able to make myself stay down-I didn't know what to say to Allah."
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Autobiography of Malcolm X: Done
It's the story of a man who survived dramatic transformations in his beliefs a man with a message of change a man who courageously stood firm in the face of his enemies and was ready to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of seeking the pleasure of Allah and justice for his people...
My favorite part was his pilgrimage to Mecca...I stayed all night reading it n' when I was done I was never more proud to be a I do believe that there was more to his death than the Nation of Islam but God knows...
El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz R.I.P.
Monday, June 16, 2008
“This is me talking nonsense to me”