Monday, July 07, 2008

Addicted to Numbness

Am not a control freak but the person I really enjoy controlling the most is me...being able to block all unwanted feelings n’ pointless thoughts just to be able to function well as human being cuz I just know that dealing with those w’d require too much time n’ energy all which I can’t afford these days...just giving in n’ letting my mind go numb in away a bomb w’d fall near me n’ it wont even bother me much...ppl. w’d be fighting n’ killing each other in front of me n’ I won’t even care to say a word...ppl. sometimes wonder what kind of drugs am on...but I swear to God am not using any...not that I haven’t thought of it before but no I don’t need it when I can do this...though am not so sure about the side effects cuz am really starting to think it’s addictive...something I’ve been doing for no good reason lately...not knowing if it’s a good or a bad thing am still a very happy person but a thoughtless n’ emotionless one!!!...

  • Pulling the plug on what I used to call my brain
  • In a way I won't have to give in to my pain
  • Surrender to being comfortably thoughtless
  • Don’t care for sparks, I love my darkness!
  • Go on n' take the lead, I don’t have to follow
  • Am here today n' I'll be here tomorrow...


Unknown said...

hah.. yea that happens alot to people who are "cold blooded".. i like to consider it being cautious and observing before getting involved..

Anonymous said...

يا بنتي انتي شي شغلة

Sharks said...

@ mohammad: Well I don’t know who u r n' I guess there's no way to find out...but what I know for sure that I've been called many things but never before "COLD-BLOODED"...I like to consider it being cautious "a-n-d- o-b-s-e-r-v-i-n-g- b-e-f-o-r-e- g-e-t-t-i-n-g-" "not to get" involved...

@ no one: Lak hii Rahaf how r u girl?!! :)
Now am not sure what u mean here but coming for u either ways it's a compliment :D

Anonymous said...

haha..huhu..hihi..Hello COLD-BLOODED :D
bas Allah kbeer :p
I wanted to comment but I cannot do it now.. I'm so excited :P

Sharks said...

@ Amer: HAHAHA!! Well am glad that u r laughing n' excited n' all but seriously COLD-BLOODED MY A**

Anonymous said...

have you been bitten by an english person ?!
man , that syndrome is so common

Sharks said...

Let me see!! hmm bitten by an English person??!! bitten by an ass, bitten by a Deb, bitten by a.... No I can't seem to find it on my "Bitten by" list :D it must be something else :)