Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I hear blood, I see blood

Monday October 20, 2008 my dad had a heart bypass surgery...this wouldn’t be a problem at all if it wasn’t for the “rare complication” according to the doctor which manifested in an internal bleeding that they had to rush him back to the OR to fix it...I’d say this also wouldn’t be a problem if my dad’s blood type was anything but AB- which is according to the blood bank “dude” the rarest type in the country...being the only match available I had to rush in the middle of the night to donate some of my blood and exchange it for some of the bank stocks...I learned that this is the only way “bring a donor & pay 950 SP/unit” and NO the hospital is not responsible for any of that!!...thank God by dawn everything was ok but again around noon he needed more blood which left us all in panic...everyone called almost everyone he/she knows n’ in less than an hour we got a handful of matching donors but even better! of my uncles happens to know a significant “someone” which lead to us taking the last unit of AB- blood without having to wait for the donors and leaving another woman with 4 units short...ever since am pleading for those with rare blood types to donate regularly...I know I will & I will even set a reminder to that cuz even though our ordeal has passed but I do believe that we still owe it to society...

I always knew that u can find ur way almost through anything in this beloved country if u just knew the right “someone”...but honestly this is the last place I expected...vitamin “W “ as in “Works every time”

Friday, October 17, 2008

Comme Ça

C’est un passage de “Arsène Guillot “, bizarrement j'ai compris ce que ça veut dire et je pense c’est très vrai !!

“Pourquoi, madame, aime-t-on toujours les mauvais sujets ? Depuis l’infant prodigue jusqu'à votre chien Diamant, qui mord tout le monde et qui est la plus méchante bête que je connaisse, on inspire d’autant plus d’intérêt qu’on en mérite moins. – Vanité ! Pure vanité, madame, que ce sentimental-là! Plaisir de la difficulté vaincue ! Le père de l’enfant prodigue a vaincu le diable et lui a retiré sa proie ; vous avez triomphé du mauvais naturel de Diamant à force de gimblettes.”

N'hésitez pas à me corriger si je me trompe :)

P.S. Translation available in the comments section