Monday, September 12, 2005


I was searching for something cheerful for my blog when i found friends already know I hate KID:S...

But here's why SOME TIMES i don't hate them that much :p....


Ihsan said...

Kids are evil ;)

x said...

funny stuff..
When I was little I peed on the snow in an attempt to write my name...
I ran out after M :(

مترجم سوري said...

u should write about it in ur blog omar.. start this post KIDS MEMO! i will share u writing there..

nice one sharks..waiting for ur nagging there

GraY FoX said...

hey guys .. why dont we follow a strategy like the tagging thing that we've done earlier... why dont we write things in our blogs and pass it over and tag people to write things about their childhood ??

damDooM said...

hay kids r either angels, or devils, but ur right about the tagging thing....guess we're ruled ....and we need some more time to cross it...but it's funny anyway...kinda workshop...or just another way to know each other better!!
sharks dear, lovely blog...

Cute NK2 said...

Girl you are brilliant . for everything you do.

Unknown said...

That's funny :)