HHHHHHHH...Another boring Thursday!...it's a work day....but with no work at all :\...my boss n' her daughter are out of town n' all the others left to do some work...so I was stuck alone...with nothing to do I started going through blogs...i've been doing this for the past few days...i realized that it can be really consuming... cus I actually read them word by word....
while listening to linking park...one link lead to the other...my head started to ache...O my God....what am I doing?!!....going through all these words with all the visuals...n' some of u people really got me sucked into u'r world...i couldn't think for myself for a while...it's like am caught up in some other worlds n' ways of thinking 8...i ended up at some Canadian Muslims community blog...something about someone who's a former Black Panther (the sole black organization in the entire history of black struggle against slavery and oppression in the United States that was armed and promoted a revolutionary agenda fighting for equality, justice and freedom)...i told myself that's it....i remember doing research about them...but I never had the chance to read them offline...with the rest of the "To Read" STACK...i quit blogs n' turned linkin park off...n' went straight to "blackpanther.org"...i heard about them for the first time trough 2pac...his mom was an activist...n' I started to here about them in some movies....i do have a thin' for black ppl...when I couldn't take it any more...i went online looking for some "aimless" chatting....yay!...i found a 2pac fan I meet earlier in some Black Panther Group on the net...he's kinda nice to talk to...lucky me he was bored too :\...when I thought it's getting better...a very mushy female voice came from the back asking me if I want anything "biddek shi?"...O my God she's the girl next door!...i thought I'll make it quick n' said "salamtek!"...but I didn't get out if it this easy :(...so I had to quit everythin' listen to her...O Boy...she's the kinda girls my brother like to call "cover the Face n' fuck the Base"...not exactly my kinda girls!...now she's telling me that she's quitting her job...I had to ask why...Surprise! Surprise!....her boss is falling for her...n' poor him she don't wanna hurt him as she's starting to fall for him too...BOOHOO...since I knew this girl...every man in this world...starting from every guy in every company in our floor...is falling for her...BFFFFFF...(only in her sick mind)…for God sake!...she has a boyfriend...seeing someone on the side...n' now her boss (40 something divorced n' married again with 3 kids!!!)...lets not forget every guy in this world!...n' still I have to be nice to her...cus I know for sure that under this smily face lies a BITCH...she can bring me down as she have a very long tong witch never stop talking about ppl behind their backs :S...I really feel sorry for her...but what a day!...now I feel sorry for ME...so I turned 2pac on n' started writing this...I really felt like letting it all out...now in the back some one singing with 2pac saying somethin' about if the world is a girl he'll stick somethin' in the ground...his way of saying fuck the world :D...at the end I just wanna say to all the girls out there(the dummy ones!)...WISE UP...there's much more to life than who's falling for who!...for God sake ppl r dying out there for their beliefs...while a lot of our youth is just so consumed with bullshit!...WISE UP!...i finished with this song!...
-Oh why should you send your child off too die In the streetz of chalk where they lie And no thugz cry when thugz cry Dear God Oh why does it have to be this way, I Children of today won't stay wise Let the children hear when thugz cry Dear God, alright-
2pac"when thugz cry "
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tagging Myself....SO WHAT?!
I agree with my friend GrayFox that we should do more Tagging stuff...but meanwhile i'll go on n' tag myself....So here it goes...
10 years ago: I was 13...boy I was stupid then...we just moved back from Madina K.S.A...i knew nothing except for few things my SWEET! Mom & Dad told me...Life can be so simple!...
5 years ago: 18 hmm...i was in Beirut...n' was the meanest girl ever...my philosophy back then was "nice is week"...n' am never week So naturally always MEAN...more like funny mocking mean...my fav. Habits was starting fights n' make ppl deliberately trip n' fall :P...n' when I say ppl doesn't have to mean friends any stranger w'd do ;D...
1 year ago: much nicer n' mentally stable :D...hanging out with the coolest n' dearest friends ever...
Tomorrow: tomorrow hopefully much better than today…
5 Snacks I enjoy: Milkshakes – Pizza – yalangi – Tes2eh – Ice cream...
5 bands & artists I like: 2PAC – Linkin park –Evanescence –DMX - Hoobastank...
5 Things I'd do with $100.000.000: buy myself a cool blue convertible BMW....buy myself a 5 star resort for girls only !tong hanging out!...buy my parents a mansion full of servants & exotic plants...build a hospital for the poor....here's a good one...hire a full time assassin ;)...
5 Places I would run away to: 7aram Makka & Madina...My pillow...My balcony...the most crowded place on earth...
5 Bad habits I have: Biting my nails – Messy room – over trusting ppl - waking up late –being careless sometimes...
5 things I like doing: Music is always a good idea - writing – reading novels - staying up too late at night – hanging out with friends....
5 things I will never wear: After wearing a 13cm high heels I guess there's nothing I wont be able to wear...not necessarily in public...
5TV Shows I like: Becker –Friends - Oprah – Cow & Chicken – CSI....
5 People I'd like to meet: Prophet Muhammad - 2PAC – Malcom X – Tarek ben Ziyad -Jhony depp....
5 Movies I like: Fight Club – The Game – Final Destination – Sleepy Hollow– Bedazzled ....
5 biggest joys at the moment: My health – My hair - My friends – being able to stay up late – fighting with my lil 7 years old brother...
Now I tag my sweet NK2....
Now I tag my sweet NK2....
Monday, September 12, 2005
I was searching for something cheerful for my blog when i found this...my friends already know I hate KID:S...
But here's why SOME TIMES i don't hate them that much :p....
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Muslims bombarding the White House - what will you do?
One year ago my lil brother gave me an article to read...he thought i might find it interesting...well at the time i didn't 8...but yesterday i needed some space on my flash disk...i had a LOT of reading to catch up to...that's how i came across this article again...it's dated early 2002...it's OLD i know!...but i found some email addressees n' phone no. u might wanna add to u'r phone book!....
The writer of the article named !YEHUDA!..."Bombarding" actually stands for Phone calls, emails n' faxes...he even tried to be funny at the end! :S...if u wanna read the whole article link to:
But it's the comments that i found most interesting!...To get u to the point here...I'll skip right to the conclusion of the article...AM JUST QUOTING HERE!...please notice the CAPITALIZED words in the article
//////Israel is America's first line against the continued spread of Islamic terror. We must all get on the phone today, tomorrow and the remainder of this week and keep calling the White House everyday to thank President Bush and encourage him to stand even stronger with Israel, America's ONLY ally in the Mid East, and to back Israel's right and obligation to use ALL means possible against Arafat's terror machine.
Every phone call, fax, and e-mail is tallied. Phone calls and faxes are the most important. Please invest the few cents necessary to place a few long distance calls/faxes to the White House.
White House Opinion Line - 202-456-1414
White House fax - 202-456-2461
(Keep in mind that one phone-call or fax is worth 100 emails! (The White House Opinion Line is open during normal business hours M-F - 9-5, EST; the fax is on 7x24...)
All terror-sponsoring dictators must be toppled and their ability to create terrorism against Israel and the US destroyed. For Israel's sake, AND FOR AMERICA'S.
The Muslims have demonstrated their worth to the world as have their European (leaders) sympathizers.
If you do not make YOUR voice heard, the other side will. NEVER AGAIN depends on YOU. Please act NOW.
Please email, phone or FAX President Bush. If you email the President at president@whitehouse.gov,
please send a CC (carbon copy) to:
Vice President Dick Cheney
Republican National Committee Chairman Governor Marc Racicot
Secretary of State Colin Powell
secretary@state.gov [please offer him a job in private industry]/////////////
The question I think should be asked here...now that we know about those phone lines n' emails...Can WE actually do something about it?!!!.....
When he said:" Every phone call, fax, and e-mail is tallied"...first I read it "Tailed" (Followed, Chased, hunted, perused) :)...i guess my subconscious was working already...if u know what I mean?! ;)...so if someone have something to say or campaigns to launch...say it!...i'll be hiding behind the sofa in case somebody asked! ;D.......
Peace out!
The writer of the article named !YEHUDA!..."Bombarding" actually stands for Phone calls, emails n' faxes...he even tried to be funny at the end! :S...if u wanna read the whole article link to:
But it's the comments that i found most interesting!...To get u to the point here...I'll skip right to the conclusion of the article...AM JUST QUOTING HERE!...please notice the CAPITALIZED words in the article
//////Israel is America's first line against the continued spread of Islamic terror. We must all get on the phone today, tomorrow and the remainder of this week and keep calling the White House everyday to thank President Bush and encourage him to stand even stronger with Israel, America's ONLY ally in the Mid East, and to back Israel's right and obligation to use ALL means possible against Arafat's terror machine.
Every phone call, fax, and e-mail is tallied. Phone calls and faxes are the most important. Please invest the few cents necessary to place a few long distance calls/faxes to the White House.
White House Opinion Line - 202-456-1414
White House fax - 202-456-2461
(Keep in mind that one phone-call or fax is worth 100 emails! (The White House Opinion Line is open during normal business hours M-F - 9-5, EST; the fax is on 7x24...)
All terror-sponsoring dictators must be toppled and their ability to create terrorism against Israel and the US destroyed. For Israel's sake, AND FOR AMERICA'S.
The Muslims have demonstrated their worth to the world as have their European (leaders) sympathizers.
If you do not make YOUR voice heard, the other side will. NEVER AGAIN depends on YOU. Please act NOW.
Please email, phone or FAX President Bush. If you email the President at president@whitehouse.gov,
please send a CC (carbon copy) to:
Vice President Dick Cheney
Republican National Committee Chairman Governor Marc Racicot
Secretary of State Colin Powell
secretary@state.gov [please offer him a job in private industry]/////////////
The question I think should be asked here...now that we know about those phone lines n' emails...Can WE actually do something about it?!!!.....
When he said:" Every phone call, fax, and e-mail is tallied"...first I read it "Tailed" (Followed, Chased, hunted, perused) :)...i guess my subconscious was working already...if u know what I mean?! ;)...so if someone have something to say or campaigns to launch...say it!...i'll be hiding behind the sofa in case somebody asked! ;D.......
Peace out!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Why Sharks?!
This question always have to pop up...why sharks?!...usually i say cus i bite n' laugh about it...but there's a story behind that name...some of my close friends don't know it...but i think i'll share it with u...remember in my first post i said something about that almost everyone went through some kind of discrimination experience...well...here's the story of mine...
few years ago my family decided to move out to Beirut Lebanon...i was 14...i had my 10th, 11th and half of the 12th grade plus one year at the Lebanese university...back then there wasn't any tension between Syria n' Lebanon...but still Lebanese ppl hated our guts...first of all we couldn't find a school to take us in...me n' my 2 brothers...cus my English wasn't that good at the time...YA i was 1 of those (bebol)...Actually No my pronunciation was good...but my vocabulary n' dictation was a DISASTER...finally my dad managed to get us into a school owned n' ruled by a radical religious "TAKFIRI" Group...some guy at my dad's work was an active member...n' he did that hopping to get us all in the group...boy he was wrong n' we gave him some hard time...him n' all the school staff...they even called us non Muslims "KUFFAR" a couple of times!...but we never took them seriously :)...my first semester was a nightmare...i had to study Math, Physics, chemistry and the whole package in English except for 1 Arabic course n' ya i had to study English Literature...u know Shakespeare n' stuff!...i even spent the whole year trying get that WORD LETERATURE right :P...a lot of funny stories happened...but believe me back then they wasn't funny at ALL...i can't remember how much i cried :(...cus the average Lebanese student fail from 1 to 2 years in his school life...imagine our chances! 8...u should see the look in my teachers eyes...the "U R HOPELESS" look...my class mates were my enemies...they all hated me n' laughed at me big time...i hardly kept some sort of weird friendship with 2 girls...ALL this BECAUSE i was SYRIAN...but i always stood up in their face n' i can't remember how many times i started a fight about it...Thank God i passed that year with good grades too...n' to my Math BITCH surprise...I mean teacher i got the highest grade in class 18/20...n' if i didn't forgot the MEANING of the word RATIONALIZE, I would got the whole 20...it was a Bonus question for God sake!...n' ya i was elected the MEANEST girl in class;)...the next year was much better...i moved on to another school...my Lebanese accent and English was a perfection...but still my so called friends couldn't hide their hard feelings...this time i was elected the most troublesome girl in class:)...one year latter when it was the time for me to go into collage i was on top of the world...i was able to start a 3 hours conversation with a complete stranger without him or her finding out where i was from unless they asked...it sounds silly now...but it meant a lot to me back then...Cus when ppl put a LABLE on u n' JUDGE u by it...now that BITES...back to collage where i studied Math n' Physics...there i had the chance to meet ppl from almost every religion n' political party...they actually have campaigns for the student board elections...n' they fought seriously against each other...although the civil war was over...but ppl still have their own small battles...the most popular questions then was where r u from?...n' to witch party u belong?...Me being Syrian i hardly got to the next question...u know every JOKE u heard in u'r life about HOMSI n' stupid ppl...just replace the STUPID guy with a SYRIAN one...ppl from my class i don't even know their names n' they don't even have to introduce them selves...just come over to me drop a HI occasionally n' start telling me those stupid jokes...i didn't know wither should i laugh or hit them in the face...fuck em' all...it's hard to start a scene at the collage campus...so i just answered back with another joke...just replace the stupid guy with a Lebanese one...all fair...but after a while i ran out of stupid jokes...but they kept on going...n' those was the nice ones...cus some of them just come over n' say i hate u n' u'r country n' u better get the hell out of here!...so i just let them finish what they have to say...then look them in the eyes n' say that there's one more thing u don't know about Syrian...that some of them actually BITE!...n' if u don't walk away right now i swear am goanna bite u n' am not kidding...i always said it with a deep COLD smile on my face...i can be a witch some times ;)...some of them freaked out...n' some of them just cracked out laughing...that's how i got my friends...the laughing ones!...dam i miss them...unfortunately i lost contact with them...i wish i could find them some where on the net...all of them: wesam, rasha, kouthar, mariam, kareem, ghada, huda, Ali, ali n' aLI...ya three different Ali's!....so the one who came up with the name was Ali...just pick one :D...he was my best friend's boyfriend...cus although we were friends n' we hanged out a lot...but the bad comments n' jokes NEVER STOPED...some times it's so hard to take a bad joke from a friend...so my name is Asma'a it turned to Asmak :S to a strong biting SHARKS...there's been times when no one called me by my real name...n' i became Sharks since then...but am cool now...I dropped the biting game...
few years ago my family decided to move out to Beirut Lebanon...i was 14...i had my 10th, 11th and half of the 12th grade plus one year at the Lebanese university...back then there wasn't any tension between Syria n' Lebanon...but still Lebanese ppl hated our guts...first of all we couldn't find a school to take us in...me n' my 2 brothers...cus my English wasn't that good at the time...YA i was 1 of those (bebol)...Actually No my pronunciation was good...but my vocabulary n' dictation was a DISASTER...finally my dad managed to get us into a school owned n' ruled by a radical religious "TAKFIRI" Group...some guy at my dad's work was an active member...n' he did that hopping to get us all in the group...boy he was wrong n' we gave him some hard time...him n' all the school staff...they even called us non Muslims "KUFFAR" a couple of times!...but we never took them seriously :)...my first semester was a nightmare...i had to study Math, Physics, chemistry and the whole package in English except for 1 Arabic course n' ya i had to study English Literature...u know Shakespeare n' stuff!...i even spent the whole year trying get that WORD LETERATURE right :P...a lot of funny stories happened...but believe me back then they wasn't funny at ALL...i can't remember how much i cried :(...cus the average Lebanese student fail from 1 to 2 years in his school life...imagine our chances! 8...u should see the look in my teachers eyes...the "U R HOPELESS" look...my class mates were my enemies...they all hated me n' laughed at me big time...i hardly kept some sort of weird friendship with 2 girls...ALL this BECAUSE i was SYRIAN...but i always stood up in their face n' i can't remember how many times i started a fight about it...Thank God i passed that year with good grades too...n' to my Math BITCH surprise...I mean teacher i got the highest grade in class 18/20...n' if i didn't forgot the MEANING of the word RATIONALIZE, I would got the whole 20...it was a Bonus question for God sake!...n' ya i was elected the MEANEST girl in class;)...the next year was much better...i moved on to another school...my Lebanese accent and English was a perfection...but still my so called friends couldn't hide their hard feelings...this time i was elected the most troublesome girl in class:)...one year latter when it was the time for me to go into collage i was on top of the world...i was able to start a 3 hours conversation with a complete stranger without him or her finding out where i was from unless they asked...it sounds silly now...but it meant a lot to me back then...Cus when ppl put a LABLE on u n' JUDGE u by it...now that BITES...back to collage where i studied Math n' Physics...there i had the chance to meet ppl from almost every religion n' political party...they actually have campaigns for the student board elections...n' they fought seriously against each other...although the civil war was over...but ppl still have their own small battles...the most popular questions then was where r u from?...n' to witch party u belong?...Me being Syrian i hardly got to the next question...u know every JOKE u heard in u'r life about HOMSI n' stupid ppl...just replace the STUPID guy with a SYRIAN one...ppl from my class i don't even know their names n' they don't even have to introduce them selves...just come over to me drop a HI occasionally n' start telling me those stupid jokes...i didn't know wither should i laugh or hit them in the face...fuck em' all...it's hard to start a scene at the collage campus...so i just answered back with another joke...just replace the stupid guy with a Lebanese one...all fair...but after a while i ran out of stupid jokes...but they kept on going...n' those was the nice ones...cus some of them just come over n' say i hate u n' u'r country n' u better get the hell out of here!...so i just let them finish what they have to say...then look them in the eyes n' say that there's one more thing u don't know about Syrian...that some of them actually BITE!...n' if u don't walk away right now i swear am goanna bite u n' am not kidding...i always said it with a deep COLD smile on my face...i can be a witch some times ;)...some of them freaked out...n' some of them just cracked out laughing...that's how i got my friends...the laughing ones!...dam i miss them...unfortunately i lost contact with them...i wish i could find them some where on the net...all of them: wesam, rasha, kouthar, mariam, kareem, ghada, huda, Ali, ali n' aLI...ya three different Ali's!....so the one who came up with the name was Ali...just pick one :D...he was my best friend's boyfriend...cus although we were friends n' we hanged out a lot...but the bad comments n' jokes NEVER STOPED...some times it's so hard to take a bad joke from a friend...so my name is Asma'a it turned to Asmak :S to a strong biting SHARKS...there's been times when no one called me by my real name...n' i became Sharks since then...but am cool now...I dropped the biting game...
Remember what they say...If it doesn't KILL u...It will only make u STRONGER!...So HERE I AM !....
Sunday, September 04, 2005
2pac Amaru Shakur Makaveli

this is my first post n' am gonna give it my best shot hoping it wont be boring...cus i went through some blogs around here n' i think they were worth it...some of u can be really funny guys!...i laughed my brains out :)...
first of all there's something i think i should say before going through this...i made it clear that am a big tupac fan...n' for those who don't know who he is or should i say was...for me he's the God father of RAP music...not so many ppl know that but RAP actually stands for (Revolutionary Art Poetry)...
The point am trying to declare here is that i know that rap music is not popular around here...at least not among girls...So some smart ass ppl thinks that just cus i love 2pac or rap music...they think that they found themselves a BITCH...Well Braking News Am SOOOO NOT...n' besides there's the ongoing battle between Metal ppl n' Rap ppl...for God sake grow up n' give it a rest already!...
some ppl will say that rap music is all about drugs n' graphic sex...but let me tell u something...it's not all true!...i mean i know that 90% of rap songs shown on TV r about that!...but actually it makes less than 30% of what rap music got to offer...
am in no way trying to defend myself...cus really i don't have to...but i thought i w'd set the record straight cus i don't wanna receive any disturbing notes or messages about this subject...cus i had enough with it!....
Almost everyone knows that small rectangular black n' white label on Cd's covers(Parental Advisory-Explicit Content)...well all my Cd's have this label on...except maybe for 3 or 5...but it doesn't always mean that it's bad...Am drifting away from what am trying to say...so back to my sweet 2pac...He was killed the year 1996 he was 26 then...his death remains an unsolved mystery...officially labeled as gangs related murder...but personally i don't think so...after he died he got 7 albums releases..."Loyal to the Game"his last album was released at the end of 2004...n' critics said that the best of his songs was released after he died...there was a lot of theories about his death...that he faked his own death n' he's coming back to starts a strong political black party...there was a lot of things to support this theory...for example B.I.G. Smalls also known as Notorious Biggi was a main suspect in his murder...so some of 2pac songs that was released after he supposedly died in witch 2pac says " i know who shut me n' am coming back for u"...of course using a very strong language...after a while BIG also was killed in another unsolved mystery....DAM am drifting...i can talk about this forever but long story short...am convinced that he's dead now...R.I.P.
As for me...2pac songs about sex or what i call dirty songs makes way less than 30% of his records...what attracted me to him the first place was his political views and his fight against the system n' sick societies with all what it means...from fighting poverty, ignorance, racisms and any kind of discrimination n' all about what it takes to make a difference in this sick world....Some may say that their life style is way different than ours...n' we don't have racism n' discrimination problems...but i don't think so...i Believe almost everyone went through some kind of discrimination experience..." i'll talk about mine latter "...so if u listen carefully n' get to understand what he's saying u can easily relate...n' believe it or not he respects women...n' his message to men is to know the difference between real women n' bitches cus SOME men don't seem to know the difference...also religion is another thing...i love the way he talks about God...i went through almost every 2pac website n' i couldn't find one straight answer to what was his religion...they say things like he respected all religions bla bla bla...he believed that every man is his own man bla bla bla...but i strongly believed that he converted to Islam when he was in prison n' it shows in some of his songs...but no one is ready to confess that for any reason whatsoever!...
so wither it's first thing in the morning, midday or right before i go to bed or whatever mood am in...2pac is always a GOOD idea...besides no one can make me laugh or cry like he does...So give me one good reason why i shouldn't love that man!....
Peace out!
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