Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Last night I literally cleaned up my closet...i got rid of some old books n''s good to remember how we used to pick up a pen to write so many's good to remember how I used to be a math & physics girl...

All I can say now is goodbye Vector Calculus...goodbye Vector Analysis...goodbye atomic structure...goodbye Linux...goodbye Oracle...goodbye C++ sorry I have to say this…YOU WILL BE FORGOTTEN...


Anonymous said...

The bad side of that is you have lost lot's of good books...

The Good side is.....
Now you have space for a new type of books...... Cooking and decoration Books..;)...:D

See ya

Hasan Bazerbashi said...

Lak leeeesh byeeee?????
You can always get back to them :(?

Cute NK2 said...

Well I threw my old books and notebooks a while ago.. but I didn't forget to take all the pages with memories in them.. memories and not information... It's so nice to get back every once in a while and have a smile on my face...

GraY FoX said...

dabbeh :(
girl , you are forgetting about the sweet days
lol , forget about linux and c++
but dont you dare to foget about the uselessness hours spent on the stairs mobbing the floor with our clothes
dont forget about hitting our heads against the walls :P you know what i mean
dont dare to forget the huge falafel and potatoe and tes2yeh days :D

Sharks said...

Well Sam decoration maybe...but I believe cooking is something u can never learn from a book...n' the reason why I did this is to make some room for the second year translation I guess it's a lil bit early for decoration n' knitting books :P...

Hey Hazz...walla ya 3ammo I don’t think it's that so outdated on that side but when it comes to IT i was always more into hardware stuff n' I still do :P...

Hey NK2!...eventually we put a lot of things in our memory to rest but some things r just untouchable...our days together certainly fit in that category...i also kept some pages from some notebooks...i can't wait to show it to u when I see u...n' INSHALLA the smile will never leave ur pretty face...

Hey 3ammo Iyad el debb!! can u ever forget falafel and potatoes and tes2yeh days walla those stories to tell our grandchildren...n' what the hell were we thinking hitting our heads against each other...maybe back then I thought that at least ur head will be softer than the wall but boy I was wrong :P...I also kept the pages with ur hand writings "Cloud #9 n' Metallica Hits when u lent me their full collection"...n' the one notebook I guess I'll keep at least for the coming 20 years...our graduation project notebook...