Sunday, October 29, 2006

Like my new scarf?!...well I do...

I saw something like it somewhere on TV and instantly I sat my mind on took me three days only to complete this more than 2 meters scarf *knock on wood*...while it took me additional 6 days to post this *knock on my wooden head*...

You can call me "M3etteh" but nothing can measure up to the feeling of building something from scratch and see it build up till the last knot is tied...


مترجم سوري said...

just 3 days?
get out of here, i don't belive it,

Hasan Bazerbashi said...

Wow three days !??! what are you ? Weaving machine :D? Mashalla :)
I like the colors of it sooo much! very nice :)

Sharks said...

Walla I did it in just 3 days!!...two of them r working days too...the secret is I think of it as a great stress management technique and those was a hell of stressful days...but thanks anyway :D....

n' hey Hazz, nice to know that u find it nice :) thanks!...

Anonymous said...

Nice Colors.
3 days.... nice work.
if all your work related stress management actions are this productive you must have a full closet..:)

take care

GraY FoX said...

i can not wait to see it
and ruin it :P
i've always been in love with your handiworks thingies
i want you one day to build me a house and decorate it ;)
great job wallahi
i love the scarf , wear it on sat ok ???

Anonymous said...

ولي على ئلبي
كم مشوار بلشهر بتطلعو؟؟
انو راعو مشاعر العالم يلي ئاعدة مئبورة لا روحة ولاجية
ولك شاب شعري انا من هالعيشة
لعفا بجد لعفا

Sharks said...

Hey Sam glad u liked it!...ya3ni I only wish but mostly they r self distractive...especially shopping ;D...n' come to think about it my (now one legged) Barbie had some distinctive closet lucky one legged bitch :P...

Gray Fox dear ya3ni build a house n' decorate it too?! Hmmm...that's a good challenge but if ur also going to ruin it am gonna have to pass :)...AS IF MA?!! :D...
Thanks for your engorging comment 3ammo n' I'll wear today if I can match something to it...n' there's no way am gonna let u ruin it...if u want to live to see another day ya3ni ;D...

@ Anonymous: بعيد الشر عن قلبك!!!
يعني الله اكبر الله اكبر...خمسه و خميسه :)
Unfortunately it's not like we go out every day though I wont mind it at all...but nowadays we mostly go on birthdays and it's Nora's (NK2's sister) n' we r celebrating...
Ya3ni even if u r the most miserable creature on earth...look around u there must be some other miserable creature u can go out with n' have fun or even just share ur misery...anything is better than cursing ur life all the way...and keep in mind even the happiest person on earth will go through some few bad big deal 3ammo cheer up :)...everything can end as fast as a blink so la7e2 7alak :P n' please don’t hate me for this...

Cute NK2 said...

I loved it so much Sharks... it looked so nice and warm...
Staurday's party was great.. so glad you made it :D

Lak you forgot the Pizza New outings every Friday after college.... tons of extra calories :D

Sharks said...

Easier said than done Ma Cutie?!!!!