Friday, September 26, 2008


The following dialogue took place in Damascus on September 25, 2008...the characters and names are all real ppl. I didn’t make anything up...
  • M: C r u Shameiyh*?!
  • C: No am not!
  • M: Good cuz I hate Shwaam* I can’t stand them at all!
  • C: well my grandma is Shamieyh*...
  • M:!!
  • C (in prompt justification): but she’s NNNNNNN* I hate them too u know!
  • M (smiling): once a Shami* proposed to me and I refused though the poor thing and his mom did everything they can...but my dad told them NNNNN** (with a sneaky smile all over her face)...

Now myself being a damascene am not gonna say how I felt about it...and I have no idea where the hell those two girls r from...but am wondering if I was in Homs* around at least a dozen of ppl. wont I assume that at least one of those ppl. is Homsi*?! I wonder how he w’d feel if I said in front of him that I hate Homsi* ppl.?! and most important I wonder what w’d he do about it?!!!
I must say here that I don’t have anything against homsi ppl. on the contrary I think they r very nice ppl.
*Shwam: damascene ppl. =the native inhabitants of Damascus city the capital of Syria
*Shameiyh: female damascene - *Shami: male damascene
*NNNNN: the sound coming from the vacuum cleaner guy approaching behind my back
*Homs: a Syrian city- *Homsi: a male from Homs


مترجم سوري said...

Actually ya asma I began to hate my accent. Arabs are so getting crazy about the shami accent. When I talk , a Kuwaiti lady would stop me with a big stupid smile and beg me to repeat what I say, so she can hear shami voc alive..!!
Just yesterday an Egyptian asked about the meaning of " ya bateel" . coz she hears it a lot in Bab alzefet .
My students think I live in Istanbul !! I wanted to tell them … do u stupid think if I truly live in Istanbul I would ever think of coming here?

But back to what ur post, yes it's so annoying. On a bigger picture ,I hardly catch myself when Egyptians make fun of us Syrians. Even if it was just for fun. Once a crime almost took place coz of a Syrian making fun of Egyptians.

Anyway, this is stupid. At least u knew they are stupid. So don't drink coffee with them. :P

Anonymous said...

well.. this is what can certainly called rudeness (not making fun of shamis but making fun of shamis while some of them are there :) )
but actually your mates didn't seem to make fun of shamis but as you said the said they hate shamies which is (afar from sarcasm) a total stupidiy and closed mindness...
and by they way.. your way to tell this story was very smart and funny (moo 3awaidek) ;p

Sharks said...

I guess drinking coffee with them is not a bad idea...i can slip something into their cups u know :D
Well it is stupid n’ it’s not about liking us or not but it’s about living in a place walking its ground, breathing its air n’ drinking its water n’ then talk about its ppl. in public...those two weren’t in a private place there wasn’t any doors closed on them, they were talking at work around at least a dozen ppl. around!!!
Like for example w’d u be able to catch urself if those Egyptians were living here in Syria?!! I lived for years in KSA I wasn’t so crazy about Saudi ppl. n’ they were never nice to me not to mention direct “in my face” insults...but I never not even once said anything bad about them in public!...It’s not about who likes who or who hates who...IT’S ABOUT RESPECT!!!

2pac said “Some things will never change” this is one of those things!!!

@Amer: come on spit it all out!! What do u have against shami ppl.?!!! n’ by they way I wont ever call them mates they r what I call “coW-workers” n’ right now I don’t even know what to call u!! lakan moo 3awaidy ma?!! Lak mo ya battell?!!!

Anonymous said...

look how you saw only the empty part the glass when you saw the(moo 3awaidek) and didn't see the (smart and funny) ;) ...
but this is not our point now :)
it is what do i have against shamis which i'm not gonna tell you now ;P

مترجم سوري said...

amer, whatever u have against shamis , i'm totally with u.

Sharks said...

Tedrabb minnak elha :D
enno no one is praising Shwam here!!

Anonymous said...

Omnia, though I have many things against arabs in general but I don't have anything special against shamis, I jsut wanted to provoke Asma and it seems that I made it! :D

Asma, 1:0 :P .. i know you'd say your "beeehh" so there's no need to say it (weslet) :D

Sharks said...

there's also a couple of things i wanna say in addition to beehhh! la7 e3teber inno weslo :D

Anonymous said...

'7alas weslu 8\.. wu bala fadaye7 :D

Anonymous said...

and you just sat there and did nothing...
Ya Batteeel 3ala elshwam....
you should have taken your sword and sliced them to pieces....and throw them to dogs...
wo khally elly ma yeshteree yetfarrag...

then both Shamies and Egyptians will be happy....

Sharks said...

Looooooooool hold ur horses what sword?!! Ya3ni “Moos Kabbas” maybe!! :D

Anonymous said...

lol, moos kabas xD
More like the damask steel sword (u knw the one they talk about in history) t(he syrian katana)
As for those peeps, they are really ignorant, especially for talking bout in in public! Can they get worse?
U cant really talk about a type of ppl, because every kind comes from Adam (as) plus every kind has yin and yang