Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: Done

Finally am done reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X...it is something I wanted to do for YEARS but it took me years to find the book n' I didn’t want to rush reading it so it took me longer than I expected but I really enjoyed every word of it and it sure deserves a re-read...

It's the story of a man who survived dramatic transformations in his beliefs a man with a message of change a man who courageously stood firm in the face of his enemies and was ready to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of seeking the pleasure of Allah and justice for his people...

My favorite part was his pilgrimage to Mecca...I stayed all night reading it n' when I was done I was never more proud to be a Muslim...now I do believe that there was more to his death than the Nation of Islam but God knows...

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz R.I.P.


Anonymous said...

Let the Man Rest in Peace...
he is Dead....

Good Reading Shark-x
or should i say Hajjeh Fehmyieh ;)

good to see you back.

Sharks said...

Hi 3ammo Sam kifak! Congrats again on the wedding w 3e2baal ma tefra7 bi wladak :)
Well dude I know the man is dead n' am not trying to disturb his peace in any way cuz am way preoccupied with disturbing the peace of the living ones :P
N' I can't say am quite back yet but what about u?!

Shaima said...

ur blog is amazing i just kept reading and never had enough :D
pretty good actually !

about this book is really nice i loved the words, how it described the difference and conflicts of his life !

gd choice :) accept my greetings